What's That Below The Surface?

On one of my properties, I noticed some damage that could be caused by termites. I have owned many homes and have always had them treated for termites but no major issues. I assumed the same with this house. The pest control guy inspected the home to see if anything was active. He said there were no active termites in the home, just as it was a year ago when he last inspected. However, he said there was something else going on that caused some damage. I questioned why he had not noticed this damage before. The pest control man said it is not termites, but there is evidence of some powderpost beetles. Thinking I did not get an answer to my previous question, again, I asked why he had not noticed this before and why did the previous treatment not get them. He explained the powderpost beetle lays eggs in the wood and once the larvae grow into a beetle it bores out of the wood to the surface. In the beetle’s wake, it cuts through the wood leaving fine powder and potentially damaging the structure of the wood. The beetles lay dormant for several years with no sign of it until one day they bore through revealing themselves. To treat this kind of beetle, any covering or finish on the wood must be removed so the chemical treatment can penetrate the wood. 

We all live our daily lives, but one day seemingly out of nowhere something comes to the surface threatening our foundation. It could be a person who did not treat us right, a situation that did not play out the way we expected, or countless other unforeseen issues. The result of the issue reveals the hidden bitterness that was kept dormant.

The author of Hebrews warns of this very thing and describes it as a “root of bitterness.” The full verse reads, “Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled” (Hebrews 12:15). 

Hebrews chapter 12 does not speak of the grace for salvation, which is complete with Jesus’ finished work on the cross, but the passage is talking about the grace to live out your faith. There could be something right now or maybe it is still below the surface threatening that grace. Do you have bitterness towards someone who is left untreated? I bet there is a temptation to let it fester in hopes the other person feels the punishment you believe they deserve. 

God speaks through Paul to mention the danger of bitterness, but he explains how to treat it. 

“Get rid of all bitterness…along with every form of malice” [Then he explains how] “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you” (Ephesians 4:31-32).