Renew Discipleship
Many churches are great at programs, events, and leadership development, but we need to get back to Jesus’ command for the church to make disciples. ReNEW is a 10-week systematic teaching with fill-in the blank guides and leader guides. Every lesson is structured with the “Big Picture” giving an overview, a “Key Take Aways” section where participants fill out the guide, and it ends with “Discussion” section to talk about the lesson and give next steps.
reNEW Discipleship: Free PDF Download (Do not sell)
Real Answers
Have you ever heard, don’t ask questions and just have more faith? Jesus showed the way to find the truth is in asking questions. Doubts and questions are a normal part of the Christian life and these questions are meant to drive us to pursue the truth. Every “Real Answers” document is from real people who asked these questions. If you want to submit a question go the “contact” page and send it!