A Good Soldier… Marine of Jesus

We are coming up to Veterans Day, but we have something very important to US Marines before that. November 10th is known as the Marine Corps birthday. The Marine Corps will be 248 years old. It was during the American Revolution that the Continental Congress passed a resolution to create two battalions of Marines to serve as a land force for the recently created Navy. In 1775, before the United States was formed the colonies decided they wanted Marines. In other words, before the full realization of the land of the free, active representatives were willing to die for what they had never seen.

I hope we all live like that. Christians are called for the same idea to deny their short-term desires for the sake of a coming kingdom, a government that will last forever. 

The Apostle Paul sends his disciple to live that way as he said, “as a good soldier of Jesus Christ . . . be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition” (2 Tim. 2:3,24-25).

If you honor a veteran, good, but also use it as an opportunity to remember you are called for something even greater!